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EuroTrip Day Seven

Magan and I have been talking about/planning this trip for a long time. And even though it wasn’t without its downsides (stupid accident prone klutz that I am), I have had an amazing time. I didn’t skip much - I couldn’t do the walking tour of Edinburgh as originally planned but Magan said if I hadn’t hurt myself before it I almost definitely would have on it.

She probably isn‘t wrong.

And by probably I mean definitely.

And I haven’t made it to the National Portrait Gallery yet. It isn’t exactly a must see but I’d like it. I also skipped Parliament.

My point is - and I promise I have one - I didn’t let my fall ruin my vacation. And hopefully it didn’t ruin Magan and Darrell’s either. Yes it slowed us down. And yes I had to sit out a few things. But all in all I would say it had minimal impact.

Pretty good considering it is still swollen to several times it’s usual size.

So thank you to Magan for doing much of the planning for this trip. And for both of you tolerating my infirmary. But most of all for not making me feel like a third wheel.

If this sounds like goodbye it’s because it sort of is. I left the Thin House so they could spend their last night in London alone. See you guys back in the colonies!

But don’t worry - I still have a couple days left. Today I was joined by my girls! Chrissy (exchange daughter #1), Julia (bonus daughter), and Jana (exchange daughter #2) arrived!

It was so great seeing them again!

We first went around the corner for breakfast - none of them had eaten. I loved catching up with them. After eating, we decided to go on a double decker bus tour.

I love taking these tours when I am in a new city. And even though this is my third trip to London, it was my first time taking the tour. It was probably a little too cold and a little too wet to sit on the upper deck but you get the best views so we risked it.

There is a lot of construction and restoration going on but London really is beautiful. I can’t get enough of it.

We arrived at our Airbnb around 5ish and settled in. But not for too long because we were all hungry. Went for Japanese food for dinner and now we are all snuggled up in our beds. Home sweet home - at least for the next couple of days.

It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow so we will see how that goes. We plan to leave around 10 and meet up with the tour again though we probably will stay inside. Grab brunch. Tour the London Dungeon.

You know. Just a typical Saturday.

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